15 Airport Security Tips to Get You Through Fast and Easy

Published on September 4, 2020 by

15 things know before YOU go through airport security! Breeze through security at the airport with these tips that I’ve learned through over 1 million miles of travel! I will also share some surprising items that ARE NOT allowed through TSA security screening checkpoints. EXPAND DESCRIPTION FOR TABLE OF CONTENTS.

00:00 – Airport Security Basics

00:40 – 1 – Print your boarding pass and itinerary
Itinerary can be useful through customs… or getting through connecting security when you don’t have a boarding pass

01:44 – 2 – Travel during non-peak times. At most major US airports the busiest times are typically Mon-Fri in the morning.

02:27 – 3 – If you’re flying in the USA, sign up for TSA PreCheck.
But not all airports have PreCheck… and the PreCheck lanes aren’t open for 24/7.. So be prepared to go through regular security if you have to.
According to the TSA, 93% of travelers wait in line less than 5 minutes!

03:43 – 4 – Wear as little metal as possible
You can get hoodies with plastic zippers
You can get belts with plastic buckles
Massive Body piercings.. Take it out.

04:25 – 5 – Wear easily removable shoes and socks
if you are over the age of 75, you are exempt from removing your shoes and jackets

04:58 – 6 – Liquids and Gels in 100ml or less containers that fit in to a one-quart zip closure bag
Put powders in your check-in. Athletes Food Powder often gets popped for secondary screening
If you have medical liquids, ice, powders, etc… keep them seperate and tell the screener thats what they are. Same goes for baby formula or food for baby.
Due to COVID-19, up to 12 ounces of hand sanitizer is permitted until further notice as of March 2020.

06:19 – 7 – Keep your laptop and big electronics someplace easy to remove.
Lots of wires, cameras, etc.. take them out.
I take out my laptop, ipad, camera, and bag of wires.

07:07 – 8 – Pack the rest of your stuff with packing cubes
So it’s easy to remove in the event they are going through your stuff
And make sure your bag isn’t SUPER stuffed… really hard to close it again when they mess it all up
If you have gifts.. Don’t wrap them

08:34 – 9 – There is often more than one security line
Regular security might be shorter than pre-check… other terminal might be shorter.
At LAX I often go through security in the American Airlines terminal and then walk over to the International Terminal

09:51 – 10 – Drink your water…
But save the bottle!
One exception to this is if you are traveling with a baby and the water is clearly for them. No limit is set there, except for “within reasonable quantities.”

10:49 – 11 – Be Polite and cheerful.
Especially if you get selected for special screening.
But no jokes.

11:57 – 12 – Keep your boarding pass and ID handy
Even after you pass the place where they check them
They might ask for it again… some countries scan it again at the xray machine

12:45 – 13 – Empty your pockets
I often get popped for some tissue or chapstick in my pocket.
For airports that use body scanners you can generally request a pat down instead

13:01 – 14 – Electronics
Best to just ask… it changes so much… laptops in the bag.. In the bin.

13:37 – 15 – Keep calm, cool, composed
Make sure you take all your stuff
Nothing is worse than leaving your laptop at the security checkpoint

14:15 – Surprising TSA Restrictions


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