California Theme Park Rides Can REOPEN!

Published on March 5, 2021 by

BREAKING NEWS: The State of California just announced that on April 1 Theme Parks can reopen rides, and outdoor spots and live performances can resume for counties in at least the red tier. Reopening will be phased in… expand description for full details.

Theme Parks:
In the Red tier, capacity will be limited to 15%.
In the Orange tier, capacity will be limited to 25%.
In the Yellow tier, capacity will be limited to 35%
Attendance will be limited to in-state visitors.

Outdoor sports and live performances (with fans/attendees) can begin April 1.
In the Purple tier, capacity will be limited to 100 people or fewer and attendance will be limited to regional visitors. Advanced reservations will be requited, and no concession or concourse sales will be allowed.
In the Red tier, capacity will be limited to 20%. Concession sales will be primarily in-seat.
In the Orange tier, capacity will be limited to 33%. In the Yellow tier, capacity will increase to 67%.
Attendance will be limited to in-state visitors in the Red, Orange and Yellow tiers.


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