HAWAII IS NOW OPEN: Everything YOU Need to Know To Go

Published on November 6, 2020 by

What you need to know to visit Hawaii with the new pre-testing program. Hawaii just reopened for quarantine-free travel on October 15, 2020. In this video I’ll cover: All about the tests and how to get them, what do to with your test results, differences in the rules on the different islands, inter-island travel & layovers, mask rules, and what’s open when you get to Hawaii. Travelers aged 5 and older need to have a negative COVID-19 test performed with 72 hours of their flights departure time to Hawaii. What kind of test do you need? You’ll need to get tested from one of Hawaii’s “approved” partners. You can find the full list here: https://hawaiicovid19.com/travel-partners/

The tests range from “free” to $250. Average prices are around $130. Typically more expensive depending upon how soon you want to get the results.

Currently the approved testing partners are located in the Mainland of the USA, Japan, and Hawaii for inter-island travel testing. Many airlines are also offering testing.

00:00 – Hawaii is now open
00:49 – Test Requirements
02:35 – Tests via Airlines
04:17 – What do you do with the results?
05:10 – Island Differences
06:45 – Layers & Inter-lsland Travel
08:09 – Mask rules in Hawaii
09:25 – What’s open in Hawaii?
11:40 – Should you go to Hawaii?


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