How to Write a Resume That Will Get You a Job Interview

Published on December 7, 2019 by

A DETAILED guide on how to write a resume that will land you that next job interview. Let’s face it, most resumes are lousy.. including yours. Watch this video and learn some tips to polish your resume so that recruiters and hiring managers will pick your resume out of the pile for their next round of job interviews.

Resume basics:
Ideally: One page — 2 pages max. Simple format. Black.
Tailor for the job
Contact info and including your name, phone number AND e-mail at the top
List your online portfolio, code repository, etc

Always include your education. Fresh out of college… put it at the top. Experienced, put it at the bottom. Include all post-secondary education. Most recent degree first.
The more recent of a graduate you are… the more detail about it.
GPA is really important for your first job at out of school.. Not so much after 20 years.

Work Experience:
List in reverse chronological order
Employer, position, and dates employed
First sentence/bullet, a description of your role
Next: Accomplishments
NOT responsibilities
What did you do? Past tense… results… impact. Metrics, e
I did A, increasing something by B%.. which resulted in C.

Use plain english. No acronyms.

Optional final section (important for students)
Involvement in student groups
Conference Presentations

Don’t include:
Summary of you: Fast paced individual that is skilled in underwater basket weaving, and meta-physical rope climbing.
Objective (This just limits what you are considered for)
References (If your employer needs them, they will ask)


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