Japan Plans to Open for Tourism April 2020

Published on October 6, 2020 by

If you’re looking to travel to Japan it looks like its going to be at least another 6 months before you can visit.. The Japan Times reports that Japan is considering reopening for tourism related travel in April of 2021 on a “limited trial” basis. Just in time to catch the end of the Cherry Blossom season.. and before the Olympics as currently scheduled in the Summer of 2021.

But what will you have to do go? Covid 19 test before departure…another on arrival.. and get an insurance policy that covers COVID-19 related medical care in Japan. And report your health status for your first 14 days in Japan using the Japan Health App.

Might the date be pushed back.. sure. But I’m sure it won’t be any earlier.

Travel to Japan has been banned from 159 countries since March to nearly all international visitors so this will make over a year that the border has been closed.

Want to figure out what to in Japan when you can go? Checkout my Japan playlist with over 100 videos just on Japan.

✅ Browse through ALL of my 100+ Japan videos in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGKC4603whA&list=PL14F9F774CE8798C3


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