Las Vegas Easing Restrictions & More Shows Reopen

Published on February 15, 2021 by

Everything YOU need to know about Las Vegas’ restrictions and reopening plans. The Governor of Nevada just laid out a new 3 phase reopening plan that increases dining limits and allows for more shows to reopen soon.

Effective Feb. 15:
indoor dining and beverage service increased capacity limits to 35 percent, up from the current 25 percent.
Maximum group size seated at one table is going up from 4 to 6, and the requirement for advanced reservations is dropped.
Public gatherings and events limits increased to 100 individuals
Venues eligible for large gatherings will be capped at 20 percent

Next Month on March 15:
Indoor dining capacity goes up to 50 percent.
Public gatherings and shows up to 250 people
Many shows in small venues will still remain closed due to the 25 foot “moat” that is required between the stage and the audience.
Adult entertainment, nightclubs, day clubs, and brothels still closed

And on May 1 the state of Nevada intends to “turnover” mitigation control to counties.. Assuming all goes well.


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