New Las Vegas Restrictions Explained

Published on November 24, 2020 by

On Nov 24, Nevada is entering a “Statewide Pause” and tightening restrictions on Las Vegas casinos, restaurants, bars, and more. Casino capacity will be limited to 25% capacity instead of 50%. 25% also applies to restaurants & bars. Which now will also be required to take reservations, no walkins. And no more than 4 people per table. Including indoors and outdoors. Guests must also wear masks at all times when not actively eating or drinking

“Events” will now be limited to 50 guests instead of 250. This is also applies to shows. A spokesperson at the NYNY hotel said this will clearly impact reopening of entertainment.

The mask mandate has also been clarified to say Face masks must be worn at all times, indoors and outdoors, when around people from other households

“Adult Entertainment” is still closed.

Restrictions will be in place for “three weeks”… unless they’re extended longer. The Governor of Nevada has hinted that another lockdown might be coming if these new measures aren’t effective.


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