Seiwa Market Japanese Grocery in Costa Mesa California in 360

Published on April 2, 2016 by

A 360 video of the grand opening of the Seiwa Market Japanese Grocey Store in Costa Mesa California. I walk through all 8 aisles of tasty Japanese groceries in the store. Shot with my new Ricoh Theta S camera that shoots in 360 degrees. You can spin the camera around and look in all directions in each aisle. If you’re on your mobile phone, just move your phone around.

Seiwa Supermarket opened in Costa Mesa on April 1, 2016 in the former Fresh and Easy store. The store has really good prices on a wide variety of Japanese products, many of them you can buy in bulk. I think it’s sort of like a Japanese version of “Smart and Final.”

I like Japanese food, so it’s neat to see another Japanese supermarket open up in Southern California.


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