CONFIRMED: Las Vegas Casinos OPEN on June 4 & Visitors Welcome

Published on May 27, 2020 by

Gov Sisolak confirmed in a press conference today that visitors are welcome back to Nevada & Las Vegas on June 4 when Casinos will reopen. He said “I don’t think you can think of a safer place to come. Contact tracing will be in place by that time. We’re encouraging visitors to come at that time.” I’m confident that Las Vegas is a safe place, and visitors will have a great time.
As of today, the following may open:
Bars can reopen with 50 percent capacity and strict social distancing. Customers must be seated and cannot order at the bar.
Swimming pools, aquatic facilities and Water Parks.
Salons that provide aesthetic or other skin services.
Day and overnight spas.
Massage services.
Movie theaters, bowling alleys and indoor malls with 50 percent capacity and social distancing.
Mini golf and amusement parks.
Gyms and fitness facilities. Larger gyms are capped at 50 percent capacity. Locker rooms will be closed except for bathrooms. Showers, steam rooms, saunas, vapor baths, salt therapy rooms, hot tubs and other communal facilities must stay closed.
Museums, art galleries, zoos and aquariums.
Tattoo parlors and body art businesses
Churches open to max 50


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