13 Travel Tips for INTROVERTS

Published on October 16, 2018 by

Introverts can enjoy travel too! 13 tips to help introverts make the most out of their trips and be comfortable! I have a secret, and you probably won’t believe it based on what you perceive of me on Youtube, but I’m one of the biggest introverts you’ll ever meet! When I share this with people I’m told I “hide it very well.” I can be extremely “outgoing” in bursts, but I need time to recharge. I don’t think you have to hide being an introvert. Embrace it, and follow these tips to get more enjoyment out of your introvert travels!

1 – Travel Solo
Some people just can’t conceive that this is possible, or that anyone would want to do this. Or that it’s strange, or you’re weird. Don’t listen to them. Lots of people do it, and there’s nothing strange about it.

2 – Avoid group tours
Try Audio Guides instead like Detour, or Rick Steves Europe Walks

3 – But sometimes you might want some group activity
Maybe a couple hour walking tour
Or “active” tours, like a cycling tour… can’t talk too much there.
Or an evening pub crawl
They are bounded in time, and you can retreat to your “me” space

5 – Stuck with a group? Make sure you have some downtime scheduled in.
Be up front with them… you need your me time. It’s ok.

6 – Traveling with an extrovert? It’s OK to do separate things sometimes and then join up
Be up front with them… you need your me time. You’re not weird.

7 – Noise cancelling headphones are your friends

8 – Restaurants
Bring a book (your travel guide)
Eat early, they won’t mind if you’re taking up a whole table
Sit at the Counter
Go fast casual

9 – Avoid Hostels, Tread carefully with Bed and Breakfasts
Hostels are party places, and not much alone space
Research the B&B, make sure they don’t have group breakfasts, and the hosts aren’t too invasive or chatty
Call in advance and explain that you’re looking for a place where you can be alone

10 – Take a camera
Gives you something to do… you’ve got a mission. Make a youtube video!

11 – On a long road trip
Listen to Audio Books

12 – Head in to Nature
take a hike… not many people out there

13 – Know when you’re done
Know when your social batteries are empty
It’s ok to pass on after dinner drinks, or even dinner itself.
I eat when I’m hungry, I drink when I’m thirsty, and I rest when I’m tired. I don’t want to get sick.


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