Common Tourist Mistakes in Las Vegas

Published on April 20, 2019 by

Avoid these 30 common mistakes and you’ll have a better and cheaper time in Las Vegas Nevada. I asked fellow Yellow explorers on what mistakes they’ve made going to Las Vegas and the response was overwhelming. Watch this video to learn from others and you don’t have to make the same mistakes! The biggest and most common mistake is drinking too much. Pace yourself. Don’t go so hard the first night you’re there that you never get out of the room the next day.

2 – Eating too much. Yes there’s alot of buffets… and no… you don’t have to eat a buffet for every meal.

3 – Gambling too much

4 – Thinking that you’ll make money. We call it “Lost Wages” for a reason!

5 – Acting as if what happens in Vegas really stays in Vegas. It gets posted on instagram. That could make an awkward conversation at work the next day!

6 – Trying to walk the whole strip in one day. It’s longer than it looks! And the area between the Circus Circus and Downtown can be quite sketchy. Especially between Stratosphere and downtown.

7 – Only using your feet for transportation. Your feet will be hating you. uber, monorails, trams, bus.

8 – Wearing high heels for a strip walk… or boots… or the worst… high heel boots. Ladies, bring some roll up flats and some bandaids.

9 – Thinking that the Rio Hotel & Palms are a close walk from Caesars. It’s a REALLY long walk over the I-15 over some really crappy overpasses. I hope you enjoy car fumes.

10 – Never venturing off the strip… take an uber off strip to experience the real Las Vegas with cheaper and more delicious restaurants and bars

11 – Thinking the bus down the strip will be faster than walking. On a Friday/Saturday night you feet down the strip will be faster. A taxi or uber is a better wheeled option as they’ll go on the back road.

12 – Taking taxis at all. I heard this alot. Taxis in Vegas are expensive… many of the drivers are rude, and they’ll longhaul you, especially from the airport. There’s a phrase… it’s called getting “tunnelled”

13 – Booking hotels on a Saturday night with a concert or big fight – you’ll be paying 3X.

14 – Making a reservation in advance and NOT checking back before the 72 hour cancellation window. A lower rate might be available.

15 – Going on a whim and waiting until 9pm the day of to find a reasonably priced hotel to stay at.

16 – Not factoring in all the sneaky fees in to the actual price. Resort fee, parking fee, taxes. Oh… and sometimes the $100 deposit isn’t per stay, it’s per night.

17 – Thinking Mandalay Bay is close to the rest of the strip. Thinking Stratosphere is on the strip. That “cheap” room quickly gets expensive with all the taxi and uber rides you’ll be taking.

18 – Assuming the resort swimming pool will be a relaxing experience that you have all to yourself.

19 – Going in the summer. The temps of 118F will make you regret it! There’s a reason why hotels are cheap then!

20 – Thinking you don’t need sunscreen for whatever reason.. Oh you do!

21 – Not dressing warm for winter. It gets cold! Very windy! Wear layers so you can take them off when you go in to the casino.

22 – Trying to eat at the nice restaurants after 9.

23 – Not booking dinner at any of the Gordon Ramsey restaurants weeks in advance (pro tip, most are completely booked 3 weeks in advance)

24 – Buying water at the Casino gift shops for $7 a bottle.

25 – Being conned into a sales presentation.

26 – Paying full price for tickets to any of the shows through that hotel or resorts box office.

27 – Shopping at the stores on the strip.

28 – Driving back to LA on Sunday afternoon, or Monday afternoon of a holiday.

29 – Got Married

30 – Jason Weiner says the BIGGEST mistake would be going to Las Vegas WITHOUT first viewing the AWESOME, insightful travel videos on Las Vegas from Yellow Productions.

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  • Martin 6 years ago

    Hey Chris, thank you for your video — great as always!

    For me the biggest challenge with Las Vegas was: Come prepared!

    First lessons I had to learn in my first hours in Vegas:
    – Don’t eat at the restaurants in the strip casinos: way too expensive.
    – Don’t buy from stores on the strip (even small stuff like batteries or SD card for the camera): way too expensive.
    – You can eat cheaply on the strip (e.g. Denny’s on the opposite side of the street of the Mirage), but you have to look for it.
    – Go to Downtown Las Vegas (Freemont street) for cheap and good food.

    I quickly learned and did none of the mistakes, but I would have been way better off if I had known all that beforehand: Then I could have picked restaurants e.g. using Google Maps.

    • Chris 6 years ago

      Thanks for the extra tips Martin!

  • Sylvia Cervantes 6 years ago

    Hi Chris, I love your videos on Vegas, we are coming down there for 25 Anniversary. But undecided on the hotel, I want to stay at the Flamingo and my honey wants to stay at the Paris. He said the Flamingo is old & not updated. I trust your recommendations. Pls advise. Will be there last week of August, we are both 60 plus years & want to be in the middle of the stip. I heard the Flamingo was renovated & is very nice to stay at. Pls help me

  • frank 5 years ago

    my wife and I are looking at a first vegas trip, travelling from the uk around april time. we normally stay in all inc hotels so are not used to usa style pay for everything hotels, and things like tipping. What would you think a good price guide for hotel tips,food (dreded fees) for a week. bearing in mind we are not massive drinkers but do drink a lot of tea most of the day.

    • Chris 5 years ago

      Hi Frank…. hmm….. price guide…. not sure that I really can point to a good one of those. Vegas can be really cheap, or really expensive depending upon how you roll. And what time of year you are going as well.
