Inside the Best Japanese Convenience Store in the USA

Published on November 2, 2021 by

A tour inside the Lawson Station Japanese Convenience Store in the Sheraton Waikiki hotel in Oahu Hawaii. This is truly the best Japanese Conbini in the USA! You’ll find the usual great Japanese prepackaged meals, Japanese snacks, and even Oden! This location is part of the Lawson Station chain from Japan: shopping at this store is so authentic it might make you wonder “Am I in Hawaii, or am I in Japan?” — Note: There are *2* Lawson Station locations in Waikiki. This is the one in the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel. The other location inside the Westin Moana Surfrider is much smaller. The address to this store is: 2255 Kalakaua Ave, Honolulu, HI 96815


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